上週五與舊同學敍會,陳同學一如以往,總會贈送一些 DIY 的健康食物給我們。今次除了有芙蓉李醬之外,她竟然為我們帶來了馳名 "樹記" 的素雞 + 素鴨 + 圓形腐皮 + 响鈴 !
"樹記" 的出品真的好得不得了,難怪每天都要排過隊才買得到。樹記腐竹位於九龍深水埗汝州街 236 號,有機會經過的朋友,可以順道買一些回家品嚐。
Father's Day @ Feast
I am not an oyster lover because I don't like the fishy smell. There is only one place that I can enjoy the fresh oyster - Feast @ East Hotel.
My first round of appertizer - started with the fresh oyster!
My second round - oyster #3 - #6. At the end I ate a total of 12, YES a dozen, of oyster! Ray said he lost count of his but I would say he did have more or less 20 of them!
My third round of appertizer. They have my long missing CHURROS! I used to have these as my breakfast.
Ray's main course - US Prime steak.
My main course - snapper steak.
My dessert - chocolate cigar and tuxedo strawberry.
Mini ice cream cone ..... so cute!
Final destination - cappuccino with a set of very nice coffee cup and saucer.
My first round of appertizer - started with the fresh oyster!
My second round - oyster #3 - #6. At the end I ate a total of 12, YES a dozen, of oyster! Ray said he lost count of his but I would say he did have more or less 20 of them!
My third round of appertizer. They have my long missing CHURROS! I used to have these as my breakfast.
Ray's main course - US Prime steak.
My main course - snapper steak.
My dessert - chocolate cigar and tuxedo strawberry.
Mini ice cream cone ..... so cute!
Final destination - cappuccino with a set of very nice coffee cup and saucer.
煮食新境界 - 分子料理 Molecular Gastronomy
最近兩年,潮人紛紛試嘗分子美食,原來現在自己在家亦可以 DIY 分子料理。
Molecular Gastronomy kit is now available at Hong Kong CitySuper!
Cuisine R-Evolution
Molecular Gastronomy kit is now available at Hong Kong CitySuper!
Cuisine R-Evolution
鰂魚涌太古城道與華蘭路交界的高級茶餐廳"男女煮角風味坊""Ladies & Gentlemen Restaurant" 盜用了我私人網誌的相片!
話說昨天端午節假期,蘿蔔伉儷到附近新開張的貴價茶餐廳嘆早餐。等待食物期間發現 menu 內推介的食物相片十分熟識,再看清楚其他細節,例如器皿及煲墊,十分肯定相片是我的 ! 於是我即時拍下照片作為証據,結賬步出餐廳後,更發現相片已被放大並張貼於玻璃外牆作為招徠之用。我有理由相信餐廳內其他食物的相片大部份亦是盜取的,因為所有食物相片的風格十分不一樣。對於此餐廳的私自盜用他人相片作為商業用途的行為我十分之不滿,我希望香港會有機構可以接受我的投訴/舉報。因為這種網上盜竊罪行是要不得的,更何況將盜取回來的物件竟然用作商業用途 !!!!!!!
出自我蘿蔔人的原著手筆 : Le Creuset 22cm Round Cocotte
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